Sursa foto: Profimedia

FOTO // Un pui de elefant pictează tablouri care se vând cu sute de lire sterline

Imagini inedite au fost surprinde în provincia Chiang Mai din Thailanda, unde un pui de elefant pictează tablouri care s-au vândut la licitație cu sute de lire sterline.

Animalul are nouă ani, este femelă, se numește Nong Thanwa, iar banii strânși din vânzarea picturilor vor fi folosiți pentru a construi un noi adăposturi în tabăra de elefanți.

Nong Thanwa pictează scene despre care îngrijitorii cred că înfățișează prietenia dintre pe ea și un alt elefant din tabăra provinciei Chiang Mai. Puiul de nouă ani ține pensula și tamponează vopseaua pe o bucată de pânză pentru a desena siluetele. Apoi adaugă inițialele „TW” și numele prietenului ei „Dumbo” în partea de jos a imaginii.

Picturile sale au fost licitate online pentru a strânge fonduri cu scopul de a construi un nou adăpost pentru elefanții din tabără, iar până acum s-au strâns peste 4.000 de lire sterline.

"Strângerea de fonduri a fost făcută pentru a le oferi elefanților o viață mai confortabilă în tabără. Este un lucru bun că avem aici un elefant talentat care poate desena imagini frumoase. Pandemia Covid-19 ne-a afectat operațiunile, astfel încât să ne putem baza doar pe ajutorul celorlalți pentru a menține nevoile animalelor. Unul dintre beneficiarii strângerii de fonduri, Plai Dumbo, care se află într-unul din desenele lui Nong Thanwa, era bolnav, așa că avea nevoie de îngrijiri de la medicii veterinari", a precizat ofițerul taberei de elefanți, Thanophoom Asoketrakul.

Thanophoom a adăugat: "Veterinarii de la Universitatea Chiang Mai ne-au ajutat întotdeauna să-l tratăm pe Dumbo ori de câte ori a fost bolnav. Va beneficia cu adevărat de un nou adăpost", potrivit Digi24.

În Thailanda se estimează că trăiesc în jur de 2.000 de elefanți în sălbăticie și un număr similar în captivitate.

ProfimediaChiang Mai, Thailand (video still)


A baby elephant draws pictures that sell for hundreds of pounds in Thailand. The talented nine-year-old jumbo named Nong Thanwa paints scenes that are believed to depict her and an elephant friend in Maetang Elephant Camp, Chiang Mai province. Nong Thanwa holds an artist brush using her trunk before dabbing paint onto a piece of canvas to draw silhouettes of two elephants. She then adds her initials 'TW' and her friend's name 'Dumbo' at the bottom of the picture. Her masterpieces were auctioned online to raise funds to build a new shelter for the elephants in the camp and raised more than 4,000 GBP. Elephant camp officer Thanophoom Asoketrakul said: 'The fundraiser was done to help give the elephants a more comfortable life in the camp. 'It's a good thing we have a talented elephant here who can draw nice pictures. The Covid-19 pandemic affected our operations so we can only rely on help from others to maintain the needs of the animals.' One of the fundraiser's beneficiaries Plai Dumbo, who is in one of Nong Thanwa's drawings, was sickly compared to other animals so he needed constant care from veterinarians. Thanophoom added: 'Veterinarians from Chiang Mai University always helped us treat Dumbo whenever he's sick. He will really benefit from a new shelter.' Animal lovers bid and donated to the fundraiser which targeted collecting 200,000 baht (4,486 GBP) for building the new shelter. When the bidding ended on June 30, they collected enough amount to start the shelter's construction. Elephants are the national animal of Thailand. An estimated 2,000 elephants are living in the wild and a similar number in captivity. In the wild, they roam through the deep jungle and in the country’s protected national parks but often encounter humans on roads and in villages. However, they are protected by laws and killing them carries a maximum prison term of up to three years and a fine of,Image: 619876124, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
ProfimediaChiang Mai, Thailand (video still)


A baby elephant draws pictures that sell for hundreds of pounds in Thailand. The talented nine-year-old jumbo named Nong Thanwa paints scenes that are believed to depict her and an elephant friend in Maetang Elephant Camp, Chiang Mai province. Nong Thanwa holds an artist brush using her trunk before dabbing paint onto a piece of canvas to draw silhouettes of two elephants. She then adds her initials 'TW' and her friend's name 'Dumbo' at the bottom of the picture. Her masterpieces were auctioned online to raise funds to build a new shelter for the elephants in the camp and raised more than 4,000 GBP. Elephant camp officer Thanophoom Asoketrakul said: 'The fundraiser was done to help give the elephants a more comfortable life in the camp. 'It's a good thing we have a talented elephant here who can draw nice pictures. The Covid-19 pandemic affected our operations so we can only rely on help from others to maintain the needs of the animals.' One of the fundraiser's beneficiaries Plai Dumbo, who is in one of Nong Thanwa's drawings, was sickly compared to other animals so he needed constant care from veterinarians. Thanophoom added: 'Veterinarians from Chiang Mai University always helped us treat Dumbo whenever he's sick. He will really benefit from a new shelter.' Animal lovers bid and donated to the fundraiser which targeted collecting 200,000 baht (4,486 GBP) for building the new shelter. When the bidding ended on June 30, they collected enough amount to start the shelter's construction. Elephants are the national animal of Thailand. An estimated 2,000 elephants are living in the wild and a similar number in captivity. In the wild, they roam through the deep jungle and in the country’s protected national parks but often encounter humans on roads and in villages. However, they are protected by laws and killing them carries a maximum prison term of up to three years and a fine of,Image: 619876053, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
ProfimediaChiang Mai, Thailand (video still)


A baby elephant draws pictures that sell for hundreds of pounds in Thailand. The talented nine-year-old jumbo named Nong Thanwa paints scenes that are believed to depict her and an elephant friend in Maetang Elephant Camp, Chiang Mai province. Nong Thanwa holds an artist brush using her trunk before dabbing paint onto a piece of canvas to draw silhouettes of two elephants. She then adds her initials 'TW' and her friend's name 'Dumbo' at the bottom of the picture. Her masterpieces were auctioned online to raise funds to build a new shelter for the elephants in the camp and raised more than 4,000 GBP. Elephant camp officer Thanophoom Asoketrakul said: 'The fundraiser was done to help give the elephants a more comfortable life in the camp. 'It's a good thing we have a talented elephant here who can draw nice pictures. The Covid-19 pandemic affected our operations so we can only rely on help from others to maintain the needs of the animals.' One of the fundraiser's beneficiaries Plai Dumbo, who is in one of Nong Thanwa's drawings, was sickly compared to other animals so he needed constant care from veterinarians. Thanophoom added: 'Veterinarians from Chiang Mai University always helped us treat Dumbo whenever he's sick. He will really benefit from a new shelter.' Animal lovers bid and donated to the fundraiser which targeted collecting 200,000 baht (4,486 GBP) for building the new shelter. When the bidding ended on June 30, they collected enough amount to start the shelter's construction. Elephants are the national animal of Thailand. An estimated 2,000 elephants are living in the wild and a similar number in captivity. In the wild, they roam through the deep jungle and in the country’s protected national parks but often encounter humans on roads and in villages. However, they are protected by laws and killing them carries a maximum prison term of up to three years and a fine of,Image: 619876131, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
ProfimediaChiang Mai, Thailand (video still)


A baby elephant draws pictures that sell for hundreds of pounds in Thailand. The talented nine-year-old jumbo named Nong Thanwa paints scenes that are believed to depict her and an elephant friend in Maetang Elephant Camp, Chiang Mai province. Nong Thanwa holds an artist brush using her trunk before dabbing paint onto a piece of canvas to draw silhouettes of two elephants. She then adds her initials 'TW' and her friend's name 'Dumbo' at the bottom of the picture. Her masterpieces were auctioned online to raise funds to build a new shelter for the elephants in the camp and raised more than 4,000 GBP. Elephant camp officer Thanophoom Asoketrakul said: 'The fundraiser was done to help give the elephants a more comfortable life in the camp. 'It's a good thing we have a talented elephant here who can draw nice pictures. The Covid-19 pandemic affected our operations so we can only rely on help from others to maintain the needs of the animals.' One of the fundraiser's beneficiaries Plai Dumbo, who is in one of Nong Thanwa's drawings, was sickly compared to other animals so he needed constant care from veterinarians. Thanophoom added: 'Veterinarians from Chiang Mai University always helped us treat Dumbo whenever he's sick. He will really benefit from a new shelter.' Animal lovers bid and donated to the fundraiser which targeted collecting 200,000 baht (4,486 GBP) for building the new shelter. When the bidding ended on June 30, they collected enough amount to start the shelter's construction. Elephants are the national animal of Thailand. An estimated 2,000 elephants are living in the wild and a similar number in captivity. In the wild, they roam through the deep jungle and in the country’s protected national parks but often encounter humans on roads and in villages. However, they are protected by laws and killing them carries a maximum prison term of up to three years and a fine of,Image: 619876113, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
ProfimediaChiang Mai, Thailand (video still)


A baby elephant draws pictures that sell for hundreds of pounds in Thailand. The talented nine-year-old jumbo named Nong Thanwa paints scenes that are believed to depict her and an elephant friend in Maetang Elephant Camp, Chiang Mai province. Nong Thanwa holds an artist brush using her trunk before dabbing paint onto a piece of canvas to draw silhouettes of two elephants. She then adds her initials 'TW' and her friend's name 'Dumbo' at the bottom of the picture. Her masterpieces were auctioned online to raise funds to build a new shelter for the elephants in the camp and raised more than 4,000 GBP. Elephant camp officer Thanophoom Asoketrakul said: 'The fundraiser was done to help give the elephants a more comfortable life in the camp. 'It's a good thing we have a talented elephant here who can draw nice pictures. The Covid-19 pandemic affected our operations so we can only rely on help from others to maintain the needs of the animals.' One of the fundraiser's beneficiaries Plai Dumbo, who is in one of Nong Thanwa's drawings, was sickly compared to other animals so he needed constant care from veterinarians. Thanophoom added: 'Veterinarians from Chiang Mai University always helped us treat Dumbo whenever he's sick. He will really benefit from a new shelter.' Animal lovers bid and donated to the fundraiser which targeted collecting 200,000 baht (4,486 GBP) for building the new shelter. When the bidding ended on June 30, they collected enough amount to start the shelter's construction. Elephants are the national animal of Thailand. An estimated 2,000 elephants are living in the wild and a similar number in captivity. In the wild, they roam through the deep jungle and in the country’s protected national parks but often encounter humans on roads and in villages. However, they are protected by laws and killing them carries a maximum prison term of up to three years and a fine of,Image: 619876087, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
ProfimediaChiang Mai, Thailand (video still)


A baby elephant draws pictures that sell for hundreds of pounds in Thailand. The talented nine-year-old jumbo named Nong Thanwa paints scenes that are believed to depict her and an elephant friend in Maetang Elephant Camp, Chiang Mai province. Nong Thanwa holds an artist brush using her trunk before dabbing paint onto a piece of canvas to draw silhouettes of two elephants. She then adds her initials 'TW' and her friend's name 'Dumbo' at the bottom of the picture. Her masterpieces were auctioned online to raise funds to build a new shelter for the elephants in the camp and raised more than 4,000 GBP. Elephant camp officer Thanophoom Asoketrakul said: 'The fundraiser was done to help give the elephants a more comfortable life in the camp. 'It's a good thing we have a talented elephant here who can draw nice pictures. The Covid-19 pandemic affected our operations so we can only rely on help from others to maintain the needs of the animals.' One of the fundraiser's beneficiaries Plai Dumbo, who is in one of Nong Thanwa's drawings, was sickly compared to other animals so he needed constant care from veterinarians. Thanophoom added: 'Veterinarians from Chiang Mai University always helped us treat Dumbo whenever he's sick. He will really benefit from a new shelter.' Animal lovers bid and donated to the fundraiser which targeted collecting 200,000 baht (4,486 GBP) for building the new shelter. When the bidding ended on June 30, they collected enough amount to start the shelter's construction. Elephants are the national animal of Thailand. An estimated 2,000 elephants are living in the wild and a similar number in captivity. In the wild, they roam through the deep jungle and in the country’s protected national parks but often encounter humans on roads and in villages. However, they are protected by laws and killing them carries a maximum prison term of up to three years and a fine of,Image: 619876064, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
ProfimediaChiang Mai, Thailand (video still)


A baby elephant draws pictures that sell for hundreds of pounds in Thailand. The talented nine-year-old jumbo named Nong Thanwa paints scenes that are believed to depict her and an elephant friend in Maetang Elephant Camp, Chiang Mai province. Nong Thanwa holds an artist brush using her trunk before dabbing paint onto a piece of canvas to draw silhouettes of two elephants. She then adds her initials 'TW' and her friend's name 'Dumbo' at the bottom of the picture. Her masterpieces were auctioned online to raise funds to build a new shelter for the elephants in the camp and raised more than 4,000 GBP. Elephant camp officer Thanophoom Asoketrakul said: 'The fundraiser was done to help give the elephants a more comfortable life in the camp. 'It's a good thing we have a talented elephant here who can draw nice pictures. The Covid-19 pandemic affected our operations so we can only rely on help from others to maintain the needs of the animals.' One of the fundraiser's beneficiaries Plai Dumbo, who is in one of Nong Thanwa's drawings, was sickly compared to other animals so he needed constant care from veterinarians. Thanophoom added: 'Veterinarians from Chiang Mai University always helped us treat Dumbo whenever he's sick. He will really benefit from a new shelter.' Animal lovers bid and donated to the fundraiser which targeted collecting 200,000 baht (4,486 GBP) for building the new shelter. When the bidding ended on June 30, they collected enough amount to start the shelter's construction. Elephants are the national animal of Thailand. An estimated 2,000 elephants are living in the wild and a similar number in captivity. In the wild, they roam through the deep jungle and in the country’s protected national parks but often encounter humans on roads and in villages. However, they are protected by laws and killing them carries a maximum prison term of up to three years and a fine of,Image: 619876091, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
ProfimediaChiang Mai, Thailand (video still)


A baby elephant draws pictures that sell for hundreds of pounds in Thailand. The talented nine-year-old jumbo named Nong Thanwa paints scenes that are believed to depict her and an elephant friend in Maetang Elephant Camp, Chiang Mai province. Nong Thanwa holds an artist brush using her trunk before dabbing paint onto a piece of canvas to draw silhouettes of two elephants. She then adds her initials 'TW' and her friend's name 'Dumbo' at the bottom of the picture. Her masterpieces were auctioned online to raise funds to build a new shelter for the elephants in the camp and raised more than 4,000 GBP. Elephant camp officer Thanophoom Asoketrakul said: 'The fundraiser was done to help give the elephants a more comfortable life in the camp. 'It's a good thing we have a talented elephant here who can draw nice pictures. The Covid-19 pandemic affected our operations so we can only rely on help from others to maintain the needs of the animals.' One of the fundraiser's beneficiaries Plai Dumbo, who is in one of Nong Thanwa's drawings, was sickly compared to other animals so he needed constant care from veterinarians. Thanophoom added: 'Veterinarians from Chiang Mai University always helped us treat Dumbo whenever he's sick. He will really benefit from a new shelter.' Animal lovers bid and donated to the fundraiser which targeted collecting 200,000 baht (4,486 GBP) for building the new shelter. When the bidding ended on June 30, they collected enough amount to start the shelter's construction. Elephants are the national animal of Thailand. An estimated 2,000 elephants are living in the wild and a similar number in captivity. In the wild, they roam through the deep jungle and in the country’s protected national parks but often encounter humans on roads and in villages. However, they are protected by laws and killing them carries a maximum prison term of up to three years and a fine of,Image: 619876037, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
ProfimediaChiang Mai, Thailand (video still)


A baby elephant draws pictures that sell for hundreds of pounds in Thailand. The talented nine-year-old jumbo named Nong Thanwa paints scenes that are believed to depict her and an elephant friend in Maetang Elephant Camp, Chiang Mai province. Nong Thanwa holds an artist brush using her trunk before dabbing paint onto a piece of canvas to draw silhouettes of two elephants. She then adds her initials 'TW' and her friend's name 'Dumbo' at the bottom of the picture. Her masterpieces were auctioned online to raise funds to build a new shelter for the elephants in the camp and raised more than 4,000 GBP. Elephant camp officer Thanophoom Asoketrakul said: 'The fundraiser was done to help give the elephants a more comfortable life in the camp. 'It's a good thing we have a talented elephant here who can draw nice pictures. The Covid-19 pandemic affected our operations so we can only rely on help from others to maintain the needs of the animals.' One of the fundraiser's beneficiaries Plai Dumbo, who is in one of Nong Thanwa's drawings, was sickly compared to other animals so he needed constant care from veterinarians. Thanophoom added: 'Veterinarians from Chiang Mai University always helped us treat Dumbo whenever he's sick. He will really benefit from a new shelter.' Animal lovers bid and donated to the fundraiser which targeted collecting 200,000 baht (4,486 GBP) for building the new shelter. When the bidding ended on June 30, they collected enough amount to start the shelter's construction. Elephants are the national animal of Thailand. An estimated 2,000 elephants are living in the wild and a similar number in captivity. In the wild, they roam through the deep jungle and in the country’s protected national parks but often encounter humans on roads and in villages. However, they are protected by laws and killing them carries a maximum prison term of up to three years and a fine of,Image: 619876096, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
ProfimediaChiang Mai, Thailand (video still)


A baby elephant draws pictures that sell for hundreds of pounds in Thailand. The talented nine-year-old jumbo named Nong Thanwa paints scenes that are believed to depict her and an elephant friend in Maetang Elephant Camp, Chiang Mai province. Nong Thanwa holds an artist brush using her trunk before dabbing paint onto a piece of canvas to draw silhouettes of two elephants. She then adds her initials 'TW' and her friend's name 'Dumbo' at the bottom of the picture. Her masterpieces were auctioned online to raise funds to build a new shelter for the elephants in the camp and raised more than 4,000 GBP. Elephant camp officer Thanophoom Asoketrakul said: 'The fundraiser was done to help give the elephants a more comfortable life in the camp. 'It's a good thing we have a talented elephant here who can draw nice pictures. The Covid-19 pandemic affected our operations so we can only rely on help from others to maintain the needs of the animals.' One of the fundraiser's beneficiaries Plai Dumbo, who is in one of Nong Thanwa's drawings, was sickly compared to other animals so he needed constant care from veterinarians. Thanophoom added: 'Veterinarians from Chiang Mai University always helped us treat Dumbo whenever he's sick. He will really benefit from a new shelter.' Animal lovers bid and donated to the fundraiser which targeted collecting 200,000 baht (4,486 GBP) for building the new shelter. When the bidding ended on June 30, they collected enough amount to start the shelter's construction. Elephants are the national animal of Thailand. An estimated 2,000 elephants are living in the wild and a similar number in captivity. In the wild, they roam through the deep jungle and in the country’s protected national parks but often encounter humans on roads and in villages. However, they are protected by laws and killing them carries a maximum prison term of up to three years and a fine of,Image: 619876104, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
ProfimediaChiang Mai, Thailand (video still)


A baby elephant draws pictures that sell for hundreds of pounds in Thailand. The talented nine-year-old jumbo named Nong Thanwa paints scenes that are believed to depict her and an elephant friend in Maetang Elephant Camp, Chiang Mai province. Nong Thanwa holds an artist brush using her trunk before dabbing paint onto a piece of canvas to draw silhouettes of two elephants. She then adds her initials 'TW' and her friend's name 'Dumbo' at the bottom of the picture. Her masterpieces were auctioned online to raise funds to build a new shelter for the elephants in the camp and raised more than 4,000 GBP. Elephant camp officer Thanophoom Asoketrakul said: 'The fundraiser was done to help give the elephants a more comfortable life in the camp. 'It's a good thing we have a talented elephant here who can draw nice pictures. The Covid-19 pandemic affected our operations so we can only rely on help from others to maintain the needs of the animals.' One of the fundraiser's beneficiaries Plai Dumbo, who is in one of Nong Thanwa's drawings, was sickly compared to other animals so he needed constant care from veterinarians. Thanophoom added: 'Veterinarians from Chiang Mai University always helped us treat Dumbo whenever he's sick. He will really benefit from a new shelter.' Animal lovers bid and donated to the fundraiser which targeted collecting 200,000 baht (4,486 GBP) for building the new shelter. When the bidding ended on June 30, they collected enough amount to start the shelter's construction. Elephants are the national animal of Thailand. An estimated 2,000 elephants are living in the wild and a similar number in captivity. In the wild, they roam through the deep jungle and in the country’s protected national parks but often encounter humans on roads and in villages. However, they are protected by laws and killing them carries a maximum prison term of up to three years and a fine of,Image: 619876120, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia

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