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FOTO: Nivel record al apei în Veneția; Cum arată orașul acum

În Veneţia, marea a atins cel mai înalt nivel din ultimii 10 ani. Nivelul mării a crescut cu un metru şi 60 de centimetri, iar autorităţile au închis piaţa San Marco. Valurile au adus pe ţărm şi cantităţi uriaşe de gunoaie. Totuşi, turiştii continuă să se simtă bine în oraşul-lagună.

Acestea ar urma să fie cele mai grave inundaţii cu care se va confrunta Veneţia după cele din data de 22 decembrie 1979, când înălţimea apelor a ajuns la 166 centimetri peste punctul de referinţă zero la capătul sudic de intrare în Marele Canal.

Cele mai grave inundaţii cu care s-a confruntat Veneţia în ultimul secol au avut loc în 1966 când înălţimea valurilor a ajuns la 194 de centimetri, scrie Agerpres.

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Luni, pe teritoriul Italiei, mai multe drumuri au fost inundate şi numeroase şcoli închise, din cauza rafalelor de vânt cu viteze de până la 100 km/h, precipitaţiilor abundente şi valurilor înalte.

Autorităţile au instituit cod roşu în nordul ţării (Liguria, Lombardia, Veneto, Friuli, Trentino) şi în Abruzzo (centru) şi cod portocaliu în mare parte din restul peninsulei şi în Sicilia.

Ca măsură de precauţie, şcolile au fost închise în mai multe zone, inclusiv în regiunile Liguria şi Veneto din nordul ţării, în unele părţi din regiunea Abruzzo (centru) şi la Roma.

Stefano Mazzola/AwakeningVENICE, ITALY - OCTOBER 29: Tourists walk with their luggage in a side street in Venice on October 29, 2018 in Venice, Italy. Due to the exceptional level of the "acqua alta" that reaced 156 cm schools and hospitals of Venice remained closed the authorities have also advised citizens against leaving their homes (Photo by Stefano Mazzola/Awakening/Getty Images)
Stefano Mazzola/AwakeningVENICE, ITALY - OCTOBER 29: Tourists take the gondola in spite of the "acqua alta" on October 29, 2018 in Venice, Italy. Today due to the exceptional level of the "acqua alta" that reaced 156 cm schools and hospitals of Venice remained closed the authorities have also advised citizens against leaving their homes (Photo by Stefano Mazzola/Awakening/Getty Images)
NurPhoto via Getty ImagesWeather emergency In Venice, italy, on 29 October 2018 due to the High water: almost all the city have been underwater with a maximum level reached of 160cm on the sea level. (Photo by Giacomo Cosua/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
Stefano Mazzola/AwakeningVENICE, ITALY - OCTOBER 29: A couple of tourists walk in "Piazza San Marco" on October 29, 2018 in Venice, Italy. Due to the exceptional level of the "acqua alta" or "High Tide" that reached 156 cm today, Venetian schools and hospitals were closed by the authorities, and citizens were advised against leaving their homes . (Photo by Stefano Mazzola/Awakening/Getty Images)
NurPhoto via Getty ImagesVENICE, ITALY - OCTOBER 29: A tourist carries his girlfriend through the water on October 29, 2018 in Venice, Italy. Due to the exceptional level of the "acqua alta" or "High Tide" that reached 156 cm today, Venetian schools and hospitals were closed by the authorities, and citizens were advised against leaving their homes . (Photo by Stefano Mazzola/Awakening/Getty Images)
NurPhoto via Getty ImagesWeather emergency In Venice, italy, on 29 October 2018 due to the High water: almost all the city have been underwater with a maximum level reached of 160cm on the sea level. (Photo by Giacomo Cosua/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
NurPhoto via Getty ImagesWeather emergency In Venice, italy, on 29 October 2018 due to the High water: almost all the city have been underwater with a maximum level reached of 160cm on the sea level. (Photo by Giacomo Cosua/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
NurPhoto via Getty ImagesWeather emergency In Venice, italy, on 29 October 2018 due to the High water: almost all the city have been underwater with a maximum level reached of 160cm on the sea level. (Photo by Giacomo Cosua/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
NurPhoto via Getty ImagesWeather emergency In Venice, italy, on 29 October 2018 due to the High water: almost all the city have been underwater with a maximum level reached of 160cm on the sea level. (Photo by Giacomo Cosua/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
NurPhoto via Getty ImagesWeather emergency In Venice, italy, on 29 October 2018 due to the High water: almost all the city have been underwater with a maximum level reached of 160cm on the sea level. (Photo by Giacomo Cosua/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
NurPhoto via Getty ImagesWeather emergency In Venice, italy, on 29 October 2018 due to the High water: almost all the city have been underwater with a maximum level reached of 160cm on the sea level. (Photo by Giacomo Cosua/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
NurPhoto via Getty ImagesWeather emergency In Venice, italy, on 29 October 2018 due to the High water: almost all the city have been underwater with a maximum level reached of 160cm on the sea level. (Photo by Giacomo Cosua/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
NurPhoto via Getty ImagesWeather emergency In Venice, italy, on 29 October 2018 due to the High water: almost all the city have been underwater with a maximum level reached of 160cm on the sea level. (Photo by Giacomo Cosua/

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